#30Bridge over the nations in Sendai/国と国とをつなぐ橋、センダイ
2014.11.04 遊 - Amusement and Recreation
Bridge over the nations in Sendai
Tohoku University is one of the world-famous education sites, so that the residents are from many countries. Once a year, the International event is taken place in the neat housing estate. “Tohoku International festival”. This year is the 29th festival. The foreign students organize the event by themselves. 19 countries stalls welcome the event visitors with spicy savor. The students prepare their homeland food, some students asked the recipe to their mother in the country, the host on the stage show said. Each stall is decorated with ornaments from each country, and they make exotic feeling. “Irasshaimase!” “Try our food!” The pitch boosts the festival’s hustle-bustle atmosphere. I’m in Sendai, but it seems like in the middle of a market in a foreign country. For a local community, the festival is a good chance to get to know about out of Japan, and for the students, it’s the place to introduce their own cultures. The festival is a roll of the bridge over Japan and the world.
東北大学は世界的に有名な学問の場で、外国から多くの人々が集まっている。毎年、閑静な住宅街で国際的なイベントが開かれている。「東北大学国際祭り」今年で29回目を迎える。留学生たちが自主的に祭りを運営している。19の国の屋台が香ばしい匂いで祭りに訪れた人々を迎える。 留学生は故郷の料理を用意し、中には故郷のお母さんに作り方を聞く人もいるという。
ここは仙台。 しかしまるで外国の市場にいるような感覚だ。地域の人々にとって祭りは外国を知るいい機会となり、留学生にとっては自分の故郷を知ってもらう場だ。 まさに日本と世界をつなぐ橋の役目を果たしているイベントだ。