


#48 仙台発の伝統芸術~墨画作家、一関恵美さん


#48 仙台発の伝統芸術~墨画作家、一関恵美さん

















グラフィックデザイナーを経て独学で墨を追求、墨画化の山崎順子氏に師事、独立後仙台を拠点にし、国内外で作品を発表している。 作品は日本酒のラベルからドレス、アクセサリー、家具など、ジャンルは多岐にわたる。



「一度でも体で触れたものは決して忘れないものです」墨の静謐な香りは不思議な安らぎを与える。 震災の爪痕が深く残る三陸地方に赴き、地元の子どもたちに墨遊び教室を開いたこともある。


仙台・宮城ををひっさげて中央で絵を描いたり発表していくことが常に根底にある、と一関さんは語る。 和と洋のコラボ。 仙台発の華やかな芸術がここにある。

一関恵美さんの墨画は大町のカルチャールーム、アクテデュースで見ることができる。 様々なイベントや教室が開催されているので、感性を刺激されたい方は一度足を運んで芸術鑑賞するのも一興だろう。

アクテデュース 仙台市青葉区大町1-1-15 川村ビル4F http://acteduce.com/

一関恵美ホームページ http://sumi-emi.com/


記事 麿 律子さん



Bokuga~ Indian ink artist, Emi Ichinoseki interview


In the piano sound, she rubs the blackish ink and the stroke moves with the rhythm of music. We wait their performance with an expectation. Bokuga, an Indian ink paint is a traditional paint in Asia. The Bokuga artist, Emi Ichinoseki creates a new wave of the art. She mixes her bokuga art with music lives and fashion shows, widens her appeal to overseas.


The bokuga paint performance in Musee Paris Cernuschi, the bokuga lesson at the kindergarten in Paris, and her “bokuga dress” on the Paris Japan Expo in Tokyo, 2013 attracted lots of audiences. She is the “ambassador” who sends Japanese traditional culture to the world. Ichinoseki is from Sendai city, started her career as a graphic designer and took up an Indian ink paint by herself. Under the guidance of the professional bokuga painter, Junko Yamazaki, she went independent and backed to Sendai.

Her artworks are eclectic from a sake label, dress, accessories, and furniture. She is also a Sendai city’s lifelong learning instructor, and holds “Sumi-asobi”, bokuga lesson in the kindergartens and schools in the city.


“We never forget what we learned using our body.” she said. The scent of Indian ink gives us peace and quiet. She visited the Sanriku area where was damaged by the tsunami in 2011, held her “Sumi asobi” and gave children a peaceful moment. “I always think of Miyagi and Sendai when I bring out my works.” she said. The mixture of the Orient and the West. She creates her own gorgeous, “Date” culture. Her woks can be seen at her culture room, “Acteduce” in Omachi, Sendai. She holds variety events and culture classes. Why don’t you enjoy bokuga and cultivate your sensitivity?

translated by RITSUKO MARO
